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Wrapping things up

For my final post I want to reflect on the major themes of my blog and discuss the potential future for water and food in Africa. My first blog highlighted complexity and variability and I hope that theme has been resonated throughout my posts. I have discussed variability for example in river discharge, agricultural water use, forms of privatisation and my assessment of strategies regarding water and food, such as IWRM, has been significantly influenced by how much they address such complexities. Given how often I have felt the need to discuss to discuss this theme, I believe it is important for complexity to be considered for any issue or strategy in Africa, not solely those regarding water and food.  Another consistent theme in my posts has been that of stereotyping. This of course relates to complexity, as stereotypes disregard complexity, but I have also shown how these stereotypes have managed to adversely influence food and water strategies. For example, in the case of commu...

Latest posts

The value of floodplains and how that's being threatened

IWRM- a concept that acknowledges complexity

Privatisation of water

Kumbo- an example of community management

Groundwater Continued- Community Management

The potential of groundwater

The reality of water use in Africa

Introducing the complexity